No Title Writer Hit
90 [Arizona, U.S.] My wife and I have been watching GCN for the last 5-plus years. Bill Schramm 11595
89 [Michigan, U.S.] I love GCN. It has helped me transform my life. David Burgess 6253
88 [California, U.S.] I'm very happy to watch Dr. Jaerock Lee's messages of life and increase my hope for Heaven. Sawat Ihrig 2264
87 [Florida, U.S.] I'm so happy to have gotten in touch with GCN at last. Angukah Chakari 2462
86 [California, U.S.] It's an honor for me for GCN to be working with Glorystar. Eugene Zaikin 2370
85 [New York, U.S.] I always watch Dr. Jaerock Lee's sermon programs on GCN. Robert Wiczkowski 2428
84 [Florida, U.S.] I spend most of my time in the living room, watching GCN on Roku. Jo Shaffer 3044
83 [New Jersey, U.S.] I'm so happy and satisfied that GCN is available 24/7 on Roku. Dr. Annelie Iwu, M.D. 2576
82 [North Carolina, U.S.] The every moment I spend watching GCN pleases my soul. Jeannette Salazar 2545
81 [New Jersey, U.S.] I enjoy watching Dr. Jaerock Lee's messages Denise Bey 2451
80 [New Jersey, U.S.] I am a huge fan of the Praise & Worship Christina Perez 2413
79 [Maryland, U.S.] I watch GCN via satellite all the time Crissman Broderick 2606
78 Thanksgiving to the shepherd kevin 2976
77 I have just finished watching the program 'Original Voice' and I want to know if I could get a copy of this program. Leonard Jackson 13641
76 I watch Dr. Lee every day and enjoy his teachings. Andrea 13311
75 New Jersey, USA / I put my hands on the TV and receive the Dr. Jaerock Lee's prayer K. Seta 13268
74 New York, USA / I know that Dr. Lee is a man of God and I know he can heal N. Peter 13440
73 New York, USA / I absolutely love them R. Jackson 10094
72 NewYork, USA / I love Dr. Lee and he has become a really strong father like figure to me. N. Butti 10040
71 California, USA / I gave my friend the books by Pastor Lee Sawat 10920
70 New York, USA / Thank you for all you do GCN family Gabriel 10604
69 Atlanta, USA / Nothing like Global Christian Network Jamal 11339
68 Arizona, USA / Dr. Lee's teachings are very direct and clean Dr. Jone Schramm 10643
67 Minneapolis / I am just waiting for Word Pictures Unknown 8863
66 NY / about new books by Dr.Lee L.G 10055
65 Missouri / This station is good stuff B. Johnson 10429
64 Queens / Caller is interested in all Manmin TV programs G. Bell 12403
63 Bronx / I enjoy GCN all the time C. Acevedo 12314
62 Minneapolis / I enjoy watching the station T. Malloy 11101
61 Pensacola / I love Manmin Church and Dr. Lee C. Ferlazzo 10956
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